My Day So Far… December 13, 2010 (CBC Training in Vancouver, Day 1)
Posted on 13 December 2010
Left Prince George…
Arrived in Vancouver (no rain yet)…
Tried out the Millennium Line (it’s pretty great– in at 8, downtown by 9)…
Found the CBC…
Got a little meta with my t-shirt…
Found the dungeon leading to our workspace (it’s actually a nice big studio, but the entrance is a bit ominous)…
Had a ridiculous burger for lunch…
And here’s my room with a view.
For context, after getting hired as a permanent employee at CBC, it makes sense for me to get some training in the medium of radio. So I’m in Vancouver for the week learning about what makes radio work. One day in and it’s already pretty great. I’m taking lots of notes and, as a big change, I actually want to review key points, particularly the importance of telling a story about a PERSON, rather than an issue (the people can illustrate an issue, but you need the human narrative to make it compelling). As someone who gets drawn into abstract, issue-based ideas, this is really important for me, to the point that I think I might put the words “PEOPLE, NOT ISSUES” right above my desk.
Filed under: CBC, personal
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