Local news

Posted on 30 August 2013

There tends to be perception that the real action is in national and international news.  There’s certainly a profile that goes along with the stories that make headlines around the world, but I’d argue that it doesn’t affect the quality of the stories.
I’m just looking back through what we’ve covered on Daybreak this week.  On Monday, we started with the possible defection of a Cuban baseball player. Tuesday we talked about the possible need for an overhaul of the B.C. Ambulance system, something we followed all week. Wednesday we were talking about the privacy implications of a pay parking system that could be coming to Prince George and a new microbrewery inspired by the gold rush, Thursday had a dinosaur skeleton being airlifted by helicopter and this morning we had strange sounds descending on the city of Terrace. And those are just some of the stories we had on our show- there were many more, and many many more we didn’t get to at all.
You could say this is because we’re a regional show, but I can tell you that once you start digging around any location or topic you will find a wealth of stories to tell. And here’s a secret: those stories that make headlines around the world? They started out as local news. Then someone found them.

Filed under: journalism

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