Saskatoon Berry Appreciation Thread
Posted on 10 September 2017
Note: I keep reminding myself that although Twitter and Facebook are great I should remember to put stuff on here. It’s a heck of a lot easier to go back through a blog and find some old post or idea you were playing with. Anyways, here’s one from Twitter, July 23.

- One thing I like about Saskatoons is how many ppl don’t know about them. They usu. aren’t sold in stores so only foragers learn about them
- They grow all over the place (in places they grow). Around town right now you see people pulled over on major roads with buckets of them
- They grow at a height you can pick while standing, and they don’t have spikes. If there is an easier berry to harvest, I’ve yet to meet it
- Similarly prepping them is super easy. Rinse them under water and they are good to go- pies, pancakes, jam, whatever you want
- People claim you have to take special steps to freeze them but it is untrue. I have just thrown a bucket in the freezer and they’re good
- The name is derived from the Cree word “misâskwatômin” and the city of Saskatoon is named after the berry, not vice versa as I used to think
- People who appreciate Saskatoons are people who appreciate the world around them, not just what comes pre-packaged in stores
- In conclusion, Saskatoons are great and you should all eat them
Filed under: misc