
Knowing your focus

Here’s a post where I criticize my ability to do my job.

Posted on 13 June 2012 and filed under articles, comments, journalism, radio

News Cycle

At last week, there was a discussion around “Where do you get your news?” A lot of the discussion was how in the age of the internet (mostly Facebook and Twitter), people expect news to find them rather than for them to go seek it out. That’s telling for people (like me!) who trade […]

Posted on 19 April 2012 and filed under articles, journalism, radio

Twitter Attribution

In yesterday’s edition of the Prince George Free Press the opinions page had a section called “Tweets in P.G.” (I’d link but there doesn’t appear to be a digital version). They reprinted some of their favourite Tweets on a variety of subjects affecting Prince George. It’s a fun idea, and one I’d actually like to […]

Posted on 2 July 2011 and filed under articles, journalism, media, Prince George, social media

On Climbing Frozen Trees and Killing Babies

Iceclimbing – Daybreak Edition “Please don’t mess this up.” That thought kept jumping into my head as I stood on the outskirts of the city, in a complete strangers’ front yard, against the backdrop of a completely frozen tree being used for iceclimbing. That’s right. Iceclimbing. On a tree. I first got wind of this […]

Posted on 24 February 2011 and filed under articles, CBC, journalism, personal, Prince George, radio

On Lynching Politicians and Academics

Immediate disclaimer: This isn’t meant to be an attack on Jason, nor a full-on defence against his criticism. Just my thoughts after reading an intriguing point of view from a regular political commentator. Also, as always, these are MY VIEWPOINTS AND OPINIONS, informed by nothing but my own misunderstandings of the world. Over on his […]

Posted on 22 February 2011 and filed under comments, journalism, media, politics

Live Radio

So, I’m now a researcher at CBC Radio. I’ve even taken some training. And as time goes on, I’m starting to feel more and more like I might actually know what I’m doing around there. But over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had to do something I wasn’t sure I was ready for: go […]

Posted on 15 January 2011 and filed under CBC, journalism, personal, radio

On Being A Traitor to My Country

According to a newspaper editorial, not only am I parasite, I just might be a traitor to my country.

Posted on 19 April 2010 and filed under articles, Best Of, journalism, main

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