
Posted on 3 September 2014

I’m discovering that I’m not very good at delegation.

I’ve just started a new job. One with quite a few new tasks and responsibilities that I didn’t have in my old job. And yet I’ve found that I’m still holding onto the responsibilities from my old job- and the job I had before that, and before that.

This is not good.

I’m working too late, every day. At first, I chalked it up to settling into a new role, catching up on things that would soon become routine. But every day that the clock roles past quitting time and I find myself with a couple hours worth of things to do it’s further proof that I am attempting too much.

I know I’m not alone in this. I’ve had conversations with friends who find themselves in similar situations. And so I’m looking for ways to get better.

So far, I’ve found a couple of good ones (both via Shawn Blanc). The first is the “grid of focus, determination, and elimination:”

The grid of focus, delegation, and elimination:
— Shawn Blanc (@shawnblanc) February 6, 2014

The second is this article by Randy Murry on creating a to-do list for others:

“Today’s tip is deceptively simple: review your to-do list and ask yourself, “Am I the right person to do this?”  If the answer is “no,” then you’ll need to ask the right person if they’re willing to do the job. It’s likely that you can trim your list and create lists for other people in your organization or family.”

Already I feel myself resisting the idea of giving some of my jobs to other people. Part of it is I worry they won’t know how to do it. Another, bigger part is I worry they won’t want to do it. And then I feel guilty.

But here’s the thing: there are jobs that I am doing now that I was doing when I was the part-time new guy. And a lot of those jobs seem trivial, but are essential to the running of the office. And the reason I’m qualified to run the office at all is because I know how to do all these tasks. So by not teaching and telling other people how to do these task, I’m preventing them from gaining the same skills and having the opportunity to move into this role. And I don’t want that.

So: I have to learn to delegate.

PS. If you have any tips, I’d love to hear them. Twitter: @akurjata, email I look forward to hearing from you.

Filed under: management, personal

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Your thinking in the open here is really great – enjoying following along.
I use both Basecamp (communication) and Trello (group task management)
I realize that both of these are technology-based, but I have found anything that can steer tasks and coordination away from email helps a great deal with ensuring everyone knows what the tasks & timelines are for common goals.
Great work Andrew – keep it up.

Posted by Grant on 3 September 2014 @ 8pm

Your thinking in the open here is really great – enjoying following along.
I use both Basecamp (communication) and Trello (group task management)
I realize that both of these are technology-based, but I have found anything that can steer tasks and coordination away from email helps a great deal with ensuring everyone knows what the tasks & timelines are for common goals.
Great work Andrew – keep it up.

Posted by Grant Potter on 4 September 2014 @ 8am

[…] received a comment earlier this week from Grant Potter on my post about about delegation that included this […]

Posted by Thinking In The Open | on 5 September 2014 @ 8am

[…] there’s another thing for me to work […]

Posted by Leadership | on 8 December 2014 @ 8am

[…] written a couple of times about the skills I am trying to develop as a manager, but the buried lede in those stories […]

Posted by Management is a new job | on 15 December 2014 @ 8am