So since my troubles with my WordPress setup, something’s gone screwy with my feed. Can’t be found by some readers and others are missing posts made since the reset. Anyone have ideas? Thanks in advance

5 responses on “”

  1. @smokey ah interesting. I’ll give all that a shot. It’s possible that the double feed is why some readers can pick it up and some can, maybe? Because some can figure out what’s going on and others can’t? Either way… I’ll try all this. Appreciate it.

  2. @akurjata so I’ve deleted the first, non-standard feed from my header. I’ve also turned off the json feed generator manton made, though i doubt that’s the problem, and tried the settings tip. Will see if that works after a while.

    One strange thing i’ve noticed — my theme copy where I’m trying to fix things also has the double feed thing you identified, yet feed readers (like feedly and digg reader) have no trouble finding it when i type in but if i type in both come up short

  3. @smokey so I’ve deleted the first, non-standard feed from my header. I’ve also turned off the json feed generator manton made, though i doubt that’s the problem, and tried the settings tip. Will see if that works after a while.

    One strange thing i’ve noticed — my theme copy where I’m trying to fix things also has the double feed thing you identified, yet feed readers (like feedly and digg reader) have no trouble finding my RSS when it when i type in but if i type in both come up short

  4. @akurjata @smokey so here’s a real mystery. I reactivated feedburner and somehow not only did that make the feedburner RSS feed work, it also made the original /feed file work, too— site is now findable in all rss readers I tested. Bizarre. For now I’ll go with “whatever works” but… hopefully I can get this all fixed in a future version of my site! Thanks again for your poking around

  5. @akurjata I have no idea how feedburner works, but if it involves using redirects, that could have been a problem when you had it disabled (I didn’t notice any problems, but…). That also might have explained the difference between the beta and regular sites. (Note that WP seems to always redirect /feedto /feed/ for whatever reason; that redirect was working fine for me when I poked last night….) At any rate, glad you have it working even though not yet sorted out.

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